Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Coco's 5th Birthday

Coles birthday was a big day this year because not only did she turn five, but it was also her first day of kindergarten.  I can't believe that Coco is already five years old and heading off to school.  She was SO excited to go and was not nervous at all.  I, on the other hand, was incredibly nervous and a little emotional (I spent a good portion of the day looking at her baby pictures and crying....so pathetic).  Her teacher is Ms O'Connell and so far she has loved her teacher, her class, and absolutely everything about kindergarten.
Cole is still my friendly, outgoing, bundle of energy and Henry and I are going to miss her so much during the day.  However, we know that she is learning, growing, and developing lots of important skills, so we are excited about the journey she is starting.  We love our little Coco-Bean!!!

Her day started with the traditional Oyler birthday breakfast with birthday toast.  She got to open one of her presents because she needed to use it for school.

This is us leaving home to go to her first day of school.

Dad went in to work late to he could come with us for Coco's big day! 

After school we had cake and opened the rest of her presents.  It was a jam-packed day, but a perfect celebration with our Coco!
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